Category Archives: Jewellery

Jewellery Symbols of Love, Romance, Emotion, Friendship, Loyalty

Dainty Heart Silver Jwellery

One of the best and universally understood symbols of love is the shape of heart representing romantic love, delicate emotions and caring. This symbol has been used in almost every culture making it one of the most recognisable. Heart shaped jewellery is one of the best ways to express such feelings.

Jewellery Care Tips: Gold Silver Gemstones Diamonds

Care Tips Florin Jewellery Care Tips

Jewellery Care Tips General Care Instructions for all Jewellery Types Always remove your jewellery when applying scent, lotions and potions, or even better, always put your jewellery on last when getting dressed. Please note that chlorine is especially damaging to jewellery. Ensure that you rinse off any chemicals that come into contact with your jewellery straight […]