Tag Archives: Strength

Jewellery Symbol of Strength, Power, Protection

Blue Onyx Jewellery Gift

The symbolism of blue onyx jewellery is often tied to its metaphysical properties. Onyx is thought to promote vigour, strength, and steadfastness, making it a popular choice for pieces that are intended to be worn as talismans or amulets. In addition, blue onyx is said to be a powerful stone for protection, providing defence against […]

Jewellery Symbols of Strength, Innocence, Purity Birth Animal Koala

Koala Jewellery Symbol Gift

The koala bear is a native to Australia and is known for its soft fur and big eyes. It is also known for its significance in Australian jewellery. The koala bear is often used as a symbol of strength, courage, and good luck. It can also be seen as a symbol of innocence and purity. […]

Dragon Jewellery Symbolism: Supernatural Power, Wisdom, Strength, Hidden Knowledge

Dragon Silver Jewellery Florin Finch

The dragon is a highly complex symbol, combining images of the serpent and the bird. It symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, strength, and hidden knowledge. In most traditions, it is the embodiment of chaos and untamed nature. It is associated with the depths of the unknown sea, with the mountaintops, and with the clouds. In alchemy […]